
Over the years, quite a great deal of fiction has been written within gaining and related circles online. Whilst some sites have come and gone, BellyBuilders has sought to maintain a constant presence, and in doing so has become an archive for a significant number of works by many authors.

Below is a list of stories available on the site. If you're not logged in, you'll only see works by authors who have opted in to a public listing. Some authors prefer not to have their works indexed by Google. The list only contains works by authors who have posted their stories - and will not include works posted on the site by third parties. To view the most complete list of stories available, log into the messageboard and go to the Stories forum.

Access to the messageboard, including stories, is available to members only. Membership is free, and there are no restrictions on how many posts you may view (the only limits are the size of attachments you may post, the number of those attachments, and the rate at which you may post - and these are only to prevent abuse, not implement tiered access)..

You may log in with the box to the right, or register a new account. Perhaps you have forgotten your password?

Please note: Due to an increased number of 'tourists' on the internet these days, looking to treat people and their interests as zoo exhibits of sorts, all registrations to this messageboard are subject to manual approval. If you feel your registration has fallen through the cracks or you are having difficulties signing up (after reading the TOS/AUP of course), please email messageboard at this domain.

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Stories found: 32

angerdayIsland Hospitality Pt. 1 - by Angerday
angerdayIsland Hospitality Pt. 2 - by Angerday
angerdayIsland Hospitality Pt. 3 - by Angerday
angerdayPants - by Angerday
angerdayPants - Chapter 2 - by Angerday
angerdayPants - Chapter 3 - by Angerday
angerdayThe Rainbow Fish - by Angerday
bellymstrA life unfulfilled - by Bellymstr
bellymstrThe Alternative - by Bellymstr
bellymstrThe Angus Double - by Bellymstr
bes-pacificAweighting Justice - I - by bes-pacific
bes-pacificBellyrus - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificCarol of the Bellies - by BeS-Pacific (Series Sampler/Patreon)
bes-pacificE-Couragement - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificFriends with Bellyfits - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificLeave of Abs-ence - by Bes-pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificPlumpkin King (Halloween Special) - by BeS-Pacific (Series sampler/Patreon)
bes-pacificSanta Belly - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificThanksgaining - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificVideo Star - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificWeight List - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificWorks as Abs-vertised - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
bes-pacificWrecking Ball - by BeS-Pacific (Sample/Patreon)
ls6y06cl6a0nBob’s Gaining Journey - by ls6y06cl6a0n (illustrated by Your_Caretaker)
ls6y06cl6a0nOscar's Big Bulk - by ls6y06cl6a0n (illustrated by Your_Caretaker)
ls6y06cl6a0nRichard, The Inflatable Mechanic - by ls6y06cl6a0n (illustrated by Your_Caretaker)
shirtwasterBouncing Back by Shirtwaster
shirtwasterFat Fantasies #1 to #16 - by Shirtwaster (UPDATED 6/3/18)
shirtwasterForbidden Fruit - by shirtwaster
shirtwasterHome - by Shirtwaster
shirtwasterPeace and Prosperity - by shirtwaster (parts 1-3)
ug_pupJamie and Ben (part 1) - by ug_pup

Today is Tuesday October 22, 2024
This file last modified Thursday May 21, 2020